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CED Digest Vol. 7 No. 51  •  12/21/2002


20 Years Ago In CED History:

December 22, 1982:
* Barney Clark, the first recipient of an artificial heart, takes his first
steps following the surgical procedure that was performed on December 2.

December 23, 1982:
* The U.S. Senate passes, 54-33, a bill providing for a 5 cent per gallon
increase in the gasoline tax to finance highway repairs and mass transit. After
the vote, the 97th Congress adjourns, ending its 25-day lame duck session.
* The leading political opposition figure in South Korea, Kim Dae Jung, is
freed from prison after serving two-and-a-half years of a 20-year sentence and
leaves Seoul for the United States.
* Because of pollution by the extremely toxic chemical dioxin, federal health
officials advise residents of Times Beach, Missouri not to return to their
community after being driven from it by a flood.

December 24, 1982:
* Louis Aragon, French poet and World War II resistance leader dies at age 85.
* Twenty-three persons, including 3 American citizens, are killed in a fire
aboard a Chinese airliner in Canton.
* Future CED title in widespread theatrical release: Kiss Me Goodbye.

December 25, 1982:
* President Ronald Reagan delivers his Saturday morning radio address, which
this year falls on Christmas day. He comments on holiday greetings the White
House has received from U.S. Marines performing peacekeeping duty in Beirut,
Lebanon, and from a sailor aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise on station in the
Indian Ocean.

December 26, 1982:
* On the third anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the White
House issues a statement condemning the continuing aggression and pledging
support to Pakistan and the Afghan rebels, with the hope that new leadership in
the Soviet Union will end the conflict.

December 27, 1982:
* Continuing its record-breaking trend, the Dow Jones industrial average closes
at a record 1,070.55.

December 28, 1982:
* Andrew L. Lewis, U.S. Secretary of Transportation, announces his resignation,
effective February 1, 1983.
* Talks between Israel and Lebanon on the withdrawal of foreign troops from
Lebanese territory open in the coastal town of Khalde. The second session is to
held in Kiryat Shemona, Israel.

Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 09:04:25 -0800 (PST)
From: byteme More <bytemesoftware>
Subject: ced looks good

I have and the ced format for a long time , I have a
bad player so I Started to video tape all my CEDs disk
found that the video in most cases is beter then the
video tapes you buy to day.

wish the format was still around, to bad i cant get my
good player fixed, tryed to buy a player on EBAY but
when it came, thay packed it in newspaper and the
table spins bad the pic gets bad has it gets to the
end of the disk.

So Im using the other bad player I have to video tape
the CEDs I have, that player has load problem and when
the disk starts you have to turn off the machine , or
it run to the stop in the middle of the player.

its to bad it was a good format , it ran will for its
life will try to get one more player on ebay , if that
doesnt work I am done.

From: "jerryproctor" <forrestp1>
To: <>
Subject: J-400 Repair
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 21:14:03 -0500

I recently acquired a perfectly working  SJT-400 player from CED Central.  Of
course, like all machines closing in on 20 years of age, it has started to
display an odd quirk.  No matter which side of a disc that is inserted into the
player, it starts 20-25 seconds into the recorded material.  It often takes an
abnormally long time (Several seconds) for the player to actually start playing
the disc too.  Before I crack the player open and make things worse, does
anyone have any suggestions?



Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2002 20:31:16 -0800
From: Tom Howe <>
Subject: Happy Holidays!

Season's Greeting All:

If you can't make out the ASCII holiday image below, try viewing it in the
Courier font, and if you happen to have the "Mickey's Christmas Carol" CED,
this ASCII rendition is derived from an image on the disc 25:44 into the
program material.

In about a week, you'll also be able to view the image at CED Magic at the
following URL when I get the Volume 7 Digest archives on-line: -Tom _.._ ,-~' `-. / `. ( ` ;!!!; ..--._ ` ) !!!!! ,' \ `. ' `''` ' ` _.-~'~ - ,' ;!!; ( ),-~' ,' !!!!! ( ` < `!!!! ` '-.``-. ==c,.``' ` `!;.. ==""=c,J$$cc,'`` -<;' ,zd$$$$hc !!!! ,cd$$$$$P??$$$$$hc, J$$$$$$$$$$c !!!' .??""_,. ,c,."$$$$$$F J$$$. J$$$$$$$$$$$L `!! ; ,c$$P ,$$$$$c ?$$$$F J$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ,c, !! ! <$$$$',$??""??h $$$$F ?$$$$$$$$$$$",$$$$$$Lz$$$$r !! ! ..::::::::::::. ,$c ?$$$ $",c$$h,`c$$$F -`$$$$$$$$$$$c???$$$$$???$$ ,!! ! :::::::::::::::: $??hc$$$$F,P?????c,$$$F J.`?$$,."?$$$$ cc$$$$hc$$$' !!>;! :::::::::::::::: `. ?$$$$$P",cccc,.`"$$: $$F ?$P"" ?"".,.")$$$$??$' .`! `! :::::::::::::::: $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$c "$ " zc 3c`",cd$??$$$$$$F F .. ,! ;! :::::::::::::`` J$ ,,. ""$$$.`$$$$$$$$$.`",$"" $$$$"',= ?$$$F /.:: !! !! :::::::::::::.. ,$$ `$$$$.`$$h ?$$$$$$$$$ $h . ?$$$ d$P",'.:::: !> !! ::::::::::::::: P'Jh ?$$$$.`?$h ??""?$$$$.<$F.F `"??=,,=="" -'.::::: !> !! :::::::::::::::. $$c $$$$$.`$$h, `$P' J$ J :: , ,,,,,- .::::::::: ! ''! ::::::::::::::: : P"?c`' ``".",cc,,,,,,zc$$F P :'. ``CC>'.:::::::::::: ,mn,` :::::::::::::::.:: `",c, """"""""?$$$$'J'.'.::- .:::::::::::::: uMMMM :::::::::'''' .,,,. ".. -c$$" zcchh,. "$$ P .'' ..:::::::::::::::' uMM4MM> ::::::' .;.CCCC>>>' z$$$$, 3$$.`$$$$$$hL $',F .::::::::::::''`:::` uMMMMx 4> :::'',.C>'''...::: $$$$$$F J$$$.`?$$$$P',F," :::::::::::'',;; '` ,MMMMMMb.\ :' ,C' .:::::::::: ?$???" """"" ..,,,="," .::::::::: -;<>!'` dMMMMMP" d ,-' ,::::::::::''' .,cc$$??$$$?????"",cP".J.`::::::''' `` .,,c"',,. 4M .:::::::::'' ??",,,cccccccccc===".,,,,,,.``` . zd$$$$$$$$$h " :::::::'' ,cccccc,. `', ..;> uMMMMMMMMP !! J$$$$$$$$$$$$ :::::' J$$$$$$$$$$ c$$$L !!!! JMMMPdMMMM> !! $$$$$$$$$$$$$ . :::' c$$$$$?$$$$$c$$$$$ `!!! MMMM'4MMMM> !> .zc$$hc$$$$$L ?$$$$$d$ :: ,$$$$$$c,`?$$$$$$$$ '!! MMMM'4MMMML !! z$$$???$$$$$c`?h$$$$$$$ ::. ,ccc,`$$$$$???c $$$",z$$ ! MMMMndMMMMM.`! .$$$$c cJ$$$""= $$$$$$$$ ::: z$$$$$$$$$$$$hc`$$$$P""?" ;!! 4MMMMMMMMMMb `! $$$$F $$$$$$$cc ?$$???? ::' $$$$C, ,`$$$P"".,,-- `?" !!!! 4MMMMMMMMMM". `>`$$$h $$$$$$$$P" `=,"hc d. ?$$$$$ <$$$$cc$$" =,,`h `!!!> MMPPP" .,, $$c, `?$$.`$$$$$$$ =,"?? "?L ?$$$$c `$$$$$$$. J> !''` -=4MMMML ?$$$$$cc,` `?$$$$$L ......`"?$$h.`?$$$$$$cc,,c=" .,nP d$hc,""4MMx."?$$$$$$c = `"????' .,,;!; d$$$????= "??h,`""?????"" ,nMMP .`?$$$$c,.""" `""??$$h, !;;;;>!!!!!!! J$$$C c$hc "ccc,`"==---=' ,uMMMMMM `h.`$$$$$$$$$$$$$$cJ$$$$$c >!!!!!!!!!!! ?$$$$$c 3$$$c`$$h Mn=M4M " uMMMMMMMMx `$c "??$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$c !!!!!!!!!!! ?$$$$$c ?$$$c .F CJh3= uMMMMMMMMMMMx `$$cccc,`""$$$$$$$$$$$$$$c !!!!!!!!!! h.?$$$$$ <$$$$c`F Md4" ,MMMMMMMMMP"""" . ??$$$$$$c$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.`!!!!!!!!! $$c,cCC, $$$$$$h 4MP ,MMMMMMMMMM> !!!> `hcc,""?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$h !!!!!!!!! "?$$$$$$-'".`??$$c,' ,MMMMMMMMMMM `''!!; "??$hc,3$$$$$$$$$$$$$P"' >!!!!!!!' $ccJ"""4c -MMx "$$$F MMMMMMMMMMMMbnmn,. .`` "?$$$$$$$$$$$P"'.,!! ;!!!!'' ??$$$P"J$$."MMMr`$$F MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM !!!! ;nx,,.""""""',;;; `!' ''` .> c,,.. ..nnn.." .dP". 4MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM !!!! MMMMMMMb.`!!!!!!!!;;..;; `!> $$$$ uMMMMMMMMr ,<> `MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM !!!! MMMMMMMMM.`!!!!!!!!!!!!!> ! $$$% 4MMMMMMP"..CC ., `MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMP !!!! MMMMMMMMMM .,,,.``'>!!!!! ! *".; 4MMMMP .CCC ,CC> `4MMMMMMMMMMMMM> !!!> MMMMMMMMMM . ``>!!;.!!!!! ! .;!!!; "PPP .CCC',CCC>,c,`"4MMMMMMMPPM ;!!!>,MMMMMMMMP';!!!;.``!!!!!!! f !!!!!!! ,xr CCCC CCCC.`"$$c ,,. .,xnM '!!!'4MMMMMMP' ;!!!!!!!..!!!!! ;> !!!!!! uMMb CCC> CCCCCC,."$r`MMMMMMMMM .!!! 4MPP"' ;.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .;> '!!!!! MMMMx`.C>,CCCCCCCC, "J"" ...;; !!!! ...;.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!> .`.!!! `MMMMn.` `CCCCCCCCC> .;!!!''`` !!!! ''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' !!!!! $c,`.!> `4MMMMMP `.CCCCC>' .!!!..;.!' .!!!! ;;.`'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <'`` $$$c,`.!;;,,..,,<; `' .,. .!!!!!!'` ; `'''' `!!>; '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!` ;;; ?$$$c,`'!!!!!!!! <$$$$$$c .````.,.``` -- ..`.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' .!!! "$$$$hc `''!!!!;`$$$$$$$.`!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!' .!!! `?$$$$$. ?$$$$$$.`'''!!!!!!!! !!!!' `!!!!!!!!!!!! .!!! ;! ?$$$$$c "$$$$$$. ;; ..'``'' '` `!!!!!!!!!' .!!! ;!! ,c "$$$$$$c . `$$$$$h.`! ''` ;;;; `'!!!!!!' .!!! .!!! ..`"?hc$$$$$$$$c `.!!>.`?$$$$$c, '!!!! ``'>!! .!!! !!! MMP `?$$$$$$$$$$,`!!'' ?$$$$$$c, '!!!! .!!! !! ; MMMbnx.`?$$$$$$$P ..$$$$$$$$c, '!!!! ;;,,,. ` .! PP"4MMMb ?$??$$" ,c$$$$$$$$$$$$$ .!!!! .;!!!!!'` ;!` ndhdP"" .,nmmn,. =<$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ !!!!> .;!!!!!'`.;.!' " .nnMMMMMMMMMMMnn- `?$$$$F"""""??? !!!!> .;;!!!''` .;!!!` uMMMMMMP");MMMMMMMMnnn. "?$'.!!!;;;;,,..` --''''`` .;;.!!'` MMMMMMM;((;JMMMMMMMMMMMM ?h !!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!;;;;;;;;;;;;!!!!!'' MMP;;JMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMx "?c, _````'.!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!'''`` MML;MMMPPPMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. ",nP" MMMMMMMMbn;"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMbnP MMMMMMMMMMMnMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPP" MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMP MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMP" 4MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPP" """PPPPPP"""


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